You may have heard of cycling fails. What are they? They are embarrassing moment when cycling.
So, did you have any embarrassing moment when cycling?
Ok, cycling fails make you EMBARRASSED because of certain silly mistakes. Meanwhile, it might be HILARIOUS to other people.
Sometimes, they look so PAINFUL that you literally have to ask whether the cyclists are OK. You wonder if they need to see doctor or what not.
If you had any embarrassing moment when cycling, what cycling fails did you have?
Ok, you felt awkward. So, what’s next? Did you do anything to avoid the same things from happening again?
Also, are you curious of what cycling fails that you might not be aware of?
Right now, let’s look at 10 embarrassing cycling fails you absolutely hate when cycling.
1. Crash

Ok, you get it. Everyone gets it. Bike crash is the first thing that comes to your mind when it comes to cycling fails.
Feel bored? Why not go to Youtube and type “cycling fails” and search. – Tonnes of bike crash compilation videos waiting for you to choose.
As a viewer, you might think this is hilarious. And you can’t stop laughing.
Sometimes, the bike crashes are so severe that you are truly SHOCKED. And you wonder if the cyclists are OK.
Obviously, if you were the cyclist, you might get really embarrassed.
In fact, tonnes of reasons can cause bike crashes. They are quite common, which they can happen anywhere, anytime.
For example, reckless cycling in the city and performing stunt can cause bike crash.
Feeling embarrassed is a less worrying factor. In fact, you should worry more about INJURIES.
1.1 How to avoid this
Obviously, try to ride within your limit is the wisest thing you could do. Be MINDFUL and OBSERVANT. Observe traffic rules if you commute by bike.
No unnecessary speeding. Also, don’t perform stunts (unless you train for BMX racing) while riding a bike.
2. Domino-type crash
This is an advance version of bike crash.
As the name suggest, one bike crash leads to another crash, and so on……
Clearly, you know this happens in BIKE RACES and GROUP CYCLING. Those cyclists ride so close to each other that there is no room for error, at all.
And if one cyclist falls, the other cyclists simply don’t have the chance to dodge but to hit. – This shapes the shocking view, especially from the bird-eye view.
This is so painful, yet mesmerizing to watch. How? Just listen to the tone of the commentators. – I’m sorry as I sound really mean here.
Nonetheless, you can literally feel the pain and frustration of these cyclists. They train so hard for the bike races.
Yet, their dreams shatter because of this terrible incident. And they don’t even have the chance to react and dodge.
Because of the nature of the crash, some might sustain serious injuries, fracture for instance, and need to stay in hospital……
3. Celebrate too early

It’s fantastic if you see the finish line ahead, and you are the “champion” at that moment.
Some cyclists are just too OPTIMISTICS.
Just before they cross the finish line, they slow pedaling down and spread their arms in the air.
Well, they think they’ve won the race. But, NOT YET.
They aren’t aware of their opponent approaching the finish line. Just at the moment they are about to cross the line, their opponent crosses the line first.
And they LOSE the race. They might even think their championship is being STOLEN.
Some are even worse. They lose balance and fall because of spreading their arms. Clumsy AF, they quickly get up and pick up the bike and continue riding to the finish line. – But, it’s too late.
So, who should they blame?
3.1 How to avoid it
Stop being optimistic or arrogant. Never underestimate your opponents.
Celebrate AFTER you win the race, not before.
4. Groin pain
Enough with the crashes. So, you think that’s the end of it? – Not really.
Sometime, you might feel embarrassed even not because of any bike crashes. What could potentially embarrass you?
That’s the infamous groin pain that many cyclists suffer. After long-hour ride, you could feel burning, or pain around your groin area. Sometimes, you could even feel numbness.
What makes this awkward is when you walk or sit awkwardly. And when your friends ask, you are embarrassed to tell them the truth.
But, these are just small cases. For men, your dick and ball might feel numb due to long-hour ride.
What’s your reaction, then? You might panic and wonder if this affects your sex performance. Worse, does this cause erectile dysfunction?
4.1 How to avoid it
Groin pain can happen due to excessive friction between your groin and the saddle.
So, to reduce the discomfort, you have to reduce the friction.
Check if the SADDLE HEIGHT is too high. When the saddle is too high for you, your hips move side-to-side when pedaling.
So adjust the saddle to the proper height. Make sure your legs are STRAIGHT when your heels touch the pedal.
This allows your legs bend slightly, since we pedal from the forefoot / ball of foot.
Replace your saddle if you feel discomfort while riding.
5. Sunburn

You don’t have the habit to apply sunscreen when cycling.
After the long ride, you notice there are reddish pigments or rashes on your skin. They are dry AF. After a few days, you feel itchy.
Then, you have these gorgeous tan lines around your arms and your thighs. So, you feel proud of yourself as you finally feel like a real pro cyclist.
Until you wear sleeveless shirts and shorts……
You even dare not wear this because of your tan lines. And this is not cool. Everyone could throw a weird look at you.
Well, you might not give a fuck if you are a man. And you still feel proud of your tan lines.
Not the case if you are a lady. You don’t want you partner noticing your tan lines when having a date, do you?
5.1 How to avoid this
Avoid riding under the hot sun, if possible.
Even if you ride when it’s not a sunny day, you still have to apply sunscreen. – Make it a habit.
Do consider wearing long-sleeve jersey and long cycling short to cover your arms and legs. Gloves are good option, too.
6. Diarrhea
You know how unpleasant it is when you have diarrhea.
Can you imagine if you are having diarrhea when riding?
You can’t focus on riding at all. All you think of is just find a bathroom and get rid of the diarrhea ASAP.
Guess what. Every second counts. Any second delay can trigger disaster to happen.
Then you wonder why it is so hard to find a bathroom! And then you PANIC. You start to sweat……
So, you can’t take it anymore and excuse yourself for leaving the group for a while. Your group mates look at you solemnly.
Thing gets worse when you realize you’re wearing cycling bib shorts. Oh goodness! You still have to take time to take off your jersey and your bib shorts. – Even when the time is running out.
You finish off your business and get back to your team. Everyone pretends nothing happens. But, you know your team mates are laughing secretly…..
6.1 How to avoid this
While diarrhea is hard to prevent, try to go to the bathroom before cycling.
When you have slight urge, you should start looking for bathroom. Don’t ignore the urge until it’s too late.
7. Flat tyre

Some people like to cycle straight. They don’t check the bike before cycling.
Then, they start to realize they are having flat tyre on the road.
What can they do? They have no choice but keep riding.
This just wastes energy. Worse still, this can damage the bike tube.
Or worse, it is a punctured tube. As they don’t know how to fix and repair a punctured tube, they stand beside the road helplessly.
Well, they feel embarrassed as if they are begging someone to help them. – I hope you aren’t one of them.
7.1 How to avoid this
Check the bike condition before riding. Inflate the tyre if necessary.
If possible, learn how to fix and repair punctured tube. Replace it before riding if you notice a punctured tube.
Carry the following items with you when riding (if possible), so you can use them for on-side repair:
- Mini pump
- Tyre lever
- Spare tube
- Tape
8. Soaking wet in the rain
Riding in the rain might be fun for some people, but it’s definitely not for those who are UNPREPARED.
Even if it is raining, it is still ok if you can find shelter to hide for a while, and wait for the rain to stop.
But, your life turns miserable when you are riding on the road. No shelter, no rain jacket, whatsoever……
What you can do is keep riding until you find a shelter to hide. Nonetheless, it could be dangerous as you are distracted by the rain.
Next, the road is extra slippery and this can cause accident anytime.
Again, you look pitiful as no one can help you.
8.1 How to avoid this
Check the weather before cycling. Remember to bring a rain jacket if you think it is going to rain.
Otherwise, you might consider canceling the ride and stay at home. – Safe all the troubles later on.
9. Being rude

If you think being rude is not one of the cycling fails, then I hope this can change your mind after this.
Some cyclists literally release their anger by shouting, swearing, or showing middle finger to other road users, ie. drivers or pedestrians.
They could be mad at the drivers or pedestrians for being rude to them. That’s why they take revenge.
This might even lead to fights or accidents. And after that, both of them regret being dumb.
The question is, is it worth it? You know it pretty well, don’t you?
If other road users are being rude to you, that’s their problem. This reflects their attitude. And this has nothing to do with you.
Instead of feeling oppressed, you should feel sorry for them for being so reckless and naïve.
Nonetheless, if you react like how they treat you, you are indifferent from them, right?
Ultimately, you guys don’t solve any problem, but make it worse.
And you claim it is absurd where road users hate cyclists. The thing is, RESPECT works both ways.
9.1 How to avoid it
Whenever you see reckless road users being rude to you while cycling, take a brief moment to BREATHE.
Try to control your temper and just ignore their recklessness.
Remember, they disgrace themselves and act like a clown, but not you.
10. Cross chaining noise
You may be totally masked by this white noise. But, when you are riding in group, the sound might irritate your group mate.
What sound is this? – Well, this is the noise of cross chaining.
For amateur cyclists, they might not even notice this problem. But, for experienced cyclists, they do.
Indirectly, you look clueless with regard to cross chaining.
What is the problem of cross chaining then?
Cross chaining creates excessive friction between the ring and the derailleur / the cogs.
If the problem persists, this wears out the chain and gear quickly. – Meaning, you spend money to repair or replace.
So, if you complain about the noise without knowing the problem, this might look amusing to the experienced cyclists.
10.1 How to avoid this
Spend time and learn to change gear the proper way. Make sure the gear is always at NEUTRAL position.
When the chain is stretched at maximal level, either shift the chain to a smaller cog or chainring.
Conversely, when the chain is at the “small chainring and cog” state, shift the chain to a bigger cog or chainring.
Until there is no more noise.
Final thought: cycling fails
As you can see, bike crashes are just part of the cycling fails.
Whatever moments that make you embarrassed when cycling, those are cycling fails.
Some cycling fails could be hilarious, which you watch from those compilation videos. But, some of them look truly painful.
Despite that, you obviously don’t want to encounter any cycling fails above.
If possible, learn the way to avoid them so you don’t look awkward and hurt yourself when cycling.
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