Being outdoors is fun. Everyone should love it. But, what if I told you that I hate being outdoors, would you believe it?
Nah, just kidding. I do not hate being outdoors. In fact, I love it!
Some people hate being outdoors, though. They feel like they are suffering every second whenever they are being outdoors.
To them, it is dreading and boring. – Or whatever reasons…….
Or what are the reasons that make them hate being outdoors? Are these truly reasons or merely excuses?
Today, I’m gonna show you some “’reasons” why people hate being outdoors.
If you are a lover, see whether these are reasons or excuses.
Or if you are a hater, see if these resonate with you.
1. Healthiness bias

We have this general perception that being outdoors is healthy. And this covers both physical health and mental health.
They are intertwined. Outdoor activities are literally workout.
We exercise and sweat. And this releases hormone that makes us happy and elevates our mood. So, this improves our mental health.
Conversely, staying indoors has negative context. It is the opposite of staying healthy.
Don’t believe me? If someone said he hates being outdoors, people would think he is a weirdo-a nerd or a couch potato who hates workout. – In short, awkward and ill.
Here’s the deal. Staying indoors can also be active, too. There are loads of indoor exercises.
Like how? Well, go to Youtube and search any cardio exercise. Click any video and start exercising.
Also, what about calisthenics? It can be challenging and fun.
Or, hit the gym and whatever exercises……
In the end, you are still sweating like mad. Of course, your mood gets improved, too.
Meaning, you don’t have to stay outdoors to be healthy. You can stay indoors and be healthy, too!
2. Heat & temperature
It is a sunny day. Your friends ask you out for kayaking. While they really enjoy themselves, you truly despise it. Why?
Because of the heat! The sun is glaring and it’s going to hurt your fair skin.
Ok, so you apply sunscreen but you loathe the sensation. It’s sticky and greasy. Worse, you still get sunburn and ugly tan.
Plus, kayaking is workout in nature. So, you sweat a lot. And you don’t have any reason to love the sweat under the hot sun, right? – That’s why the feeling is awful.
If you have the chance, you rather work out indoors with the air conditioning.
Also, not to forget to mention that having outdoor activities under freezing temperature. You’ll pass. All you want to do is just stay inside your warm house.
Meanwhile, you wonder why those people jog or swim when it’s freezing. – Are they nuts?
3. Wake up early

We can go outdoors anytime. Morning, evening, dusk, night, whichever that we like.
Despite that, morning is the “best” timing. How? That’s how you kick start your day.
You wake up to catch the sunrise. Or, you wake up to jog or hike.
So, you have to wake up early. I mean, really early, like 4am or 5am, before breaking the dawn.
So what do you need to do? You force yourself to wake up. Then, you feel groggy because you were binge-watching Netflix last night. And you only have 3-hour sleep.
And wake up this early just to see the sunrise or be healthy? That must be a joke!
K. Thnx. Bye! You rather get back to sleep on your warm bed than waking up groggily to do the “silly” things.
And this is your definition of healthy. – Sleeping.
4. Driving
Sometimes, transportation makes you hate being outdoors.
Since you have a nice car, your friends expect you to be the driver whenever they ask you out. Then, you can pick them up so that they don’t have to drive.
Well, you are embarrassed to say “No”. Despite the reluctance, you continue to be their driver for the outdoor stuff.
Then, the mess kicks in. They seem to take for granted. Picking up is like a war. They want you to go to their houses to pick them up.
So, you plan the route accordingly. You scratch your head to plan it so that you can pick them up with the least amount of time. – The most efficient way.
Don’t forget that you force yourself to wake up early and you are still groggy. Driving is like a disaster.
Worse still, you need to drive for 2 to 3 hours to the destination. By the time you guys reach there, you are deeply exhausted. – And another 2 to 3 hours to come back……
So, you question yourself why not just stay at home and continue sleeping. And why you have to suffer this.
Then, you miss your warm bed……
5. Waiting

Finally you reach for the meet-up on time.
You hate people being late because you can’t stand wasting your time, even a single second.
The truth is, for every single outdoor meet-up, you have to face this over and over again.
So, you have no choice but to wait for the late comers. You want to scream and yell, but you tolerate.
You can’t do anything but wait. And an hour or two has passed. In fact, if you were at home, you could do many things within an hour or two, like reading, working out, writing, etc.
Here they come finally. Instead of feeling relief, their attitude truly angers you. Why? They give tonnes of excuses. And the excuses are garbage. – Met a friend and chatted, needed to make up, fell asleep in the bathroom….
Well, at least make an effort to lie sensibly! And they seem not apologetic.
Your mood is totally spoiled.
6. Noise
People prefer group outdoor activities, meaning there will be social interaction.
So you think this improves relationship? Don’t think so.
You hear those people bickering around and gossiping. Again, their conversation is pointless!
Guess what? Some of them even keep complaining about the tiniest stuff ever! Like “OMG, that’s the worst thing in my life! My nails are cracked!”
My goodness! Can they just shut their mouth up? They are too noisy!
So this is what they call “enjoying” the outdoors, huh?
While you keep quiet, people perceive you as being anti-social. They expect you to join the stupid conversation and act like a fool.
Plus, here is the FOMO group. Literally, they take pictures and update their status on social media all the time.
So, they cherish outdoor activities because of these?
Perhaps you are an introvert. That stupid stuff really tires you. Somehow, you prefer staying at home to read or binge-watch dramas.
7. Bathroom problem

Nature’s call while having outdoor activities is the biggest nightmare.
When hiking, some hikers panic as there’s no bathroom. So, they have to dig a hole and settle the stuff. After that, they realize they don’t have toilet papers to clean their butt.
So, they either leave it like that or use leaves to clean their butt. When they get back to the trail, their hiking buddies look at them sheepishly……
Or, when sea kayaking, kayakers are in deep shit when this happens. I can’t even imagine how they settle this.
And diarrhea while trail running or during a marathon? – Yes, this happened before.
These can happen to you…
Or, sometimes, you are lucky because public toilets are available. To your surprise, the toilet is filthy and you want to puke when approaching it. And yet, you have to settle your stuff there.
Of course, this is absolutely not for indoors. The toilets are usually clean and well maintained. At least you can settle without having any issue.
8. Prejudice
We encourage beginners to join outdoor activities to stay active and healthy. Since they don’t have experience yet, we should be considerate and embrace it.
However, some “experts” are quite arrogant. They think they are superior to the rest and keep bragging about their expertise.
Whenever they meet beginners, they look at the beginners in disbelief and doubt their ability. After all, they dislike being dragged by the beginners.
If you are a beginner, this might be true for you.
You don’t want to be the burden of the group. So, you push yourself hard. But, you can’t catch up and are clumsy.
So what is their response? They may ask you to work on and improve certain things. It seems like a constructive comment, but their tone is disgusting.
In fact, they diss you with their mean comment. – Translation. Don’t join them unless you are up to their expectation.
Guess what? This is stressful and demotivating for beginners.
9. Bugs

So, what is more annoying that the reasons above? – That’s creepy bugs attack.
When being outdoors, it is unavoidable to encounter certain bugs, such as mosquitos, ticks, spiders, and leeches.
Well, you apply bugs repellant all over your body to avoid being bitten by the bugs. It turns out that the people are displeased with the strong odour.
They use their hand to cover their nose or mouth. You feel sorry because you cause them discomfort although they don’t really complain.
After all, the repellant doesn’t work. Or, does it? Eventually, you still suffer from the bite. So, what’s the point?
The bites are so itchy that you keep scratching non-stop. Or, the leech bites keep bleeding.
The above are not the worst, though. The risk of being outdoors is getting Lyme disease from infected ticks. – A vector borne disease that causes fever, headache and prolonged fatigue.
Both Avril Lavigne and Justin Bieber had suffered Lyme disease. They suffered extreme fatigue and had difficulty in getting up from the bed.
10. Just hate being outdoors
Sometimes, we don’t need any reason to love or hate certain things.
For example, love at first sight is a thing. So, what’s the real reason of this? – Well, this can be just the feeling.
With all that being said, you may hate being outdoors just because there’s no reason.
Being outdoors can’t make you happy. Simple as that!
Whenever someone asks you why you hate being outdoors, screw him. He isn’t in a position to judge you. – And you don’t owe him a reason.
Being outdoors is not your type? Yeah, it’s fine. Do whatever that makes you happy. Reading, watching Youtube, writing, drawing……
Final thought: hate being outdoors
I like to stress that I don’t hate being outdoors. However, I reckon not all people enjoy the outdoors.
Though I promote outdoor activities, the main goal is being healthy and enjoyable. Hence, if you are healthy and enjoy staying indoors, that’s great too!
Nonetheless, the above reasons might seem discouraging for being outdoors. But, those don’t necessary make you hate this.
In fact, I experience some of them. And yet, I don’t hate it. While you prefer staying indoors, let’s use a softer approach to look at this.
After all, being outdoors might not be as bad as you think. And of course, I’m pretty sure you will change your mind.
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