…… Continued from Part 1. After so many hikes that you’ve done, does the expectation meet the reality?
11. Scene on the trail
There are a lot of interesting plants or flowers along the trail. You are quite fascinated as you’ve never seen those flowers or plants before. – Not talking about those plants at home, or whatever.
Sometimes, you are also amazed by the insects and you observe them carefully. For example, you see the ants walking in a perfect queue, and you wonder why they could do this, but not human beings.
Then, you look up at the sky and see the sunlight beam, like forming a heavenly scene……
You are sweating non-stop when hiking. Suddenly, you feel itchiness on your legs or arms.
You realise you are getting bitten by MOSQUITOES! You smash the mosquitoes with the speed of light, and of course, the mosquitoes die instantly.
Or, your sweat also attracts some BEES to fly around you, as if they are attracted by the pheromone. Worse still, you get stung by the bees.
And the worst thing is, you get sucked by LEECHES! These creatures are really terrifying, just like a cockroach flying toward you. No matter what you do, the leeches just don’t go away and keep sucking your blood until it peels off naturally. – And you let your wound keep bleeding……
12. Length of trail

You expect to reach the peak within 2 hours, according to the research that you’ve done.
So, you finally reach the peak at 10am, which is exactly 2 hours of expectation, as you start your hike at 8 a.m. You feel way more confident because you think 2-hour is really doable as you don’t really feel any difficulty, at all.
And, you set the perfect time for hiking as well. Everything fits nicely according to your schedule.
After you finish you hike, you immediately go shopping or lunch with your friends or family, not even 1-second late.
You’ve done the researched for your hike, and you’ve got to know the “so-called” 2-hour average time to reach the peak.
But, when you are taking a break and catch your breath while hiking, you notice 2.5 hours have already passed!
You are shocked and frustrated because it is wayyyyyyyy longer than the expectation and there is still looooooong way to go. This also means you couldn’t finish the hike on time and go lunch or shopping with your friends or family. – You know you screw up the plan……
Deeply demotivated, you start to question your own capability and even doubt the accuracy of the information on the internet.
In reality, you learn that you should always spare additional time in hiking, so that it won’t “clash” with your event right after your hikes!
13. How many “minutes”?
When you are approaching the peak, you wonder how long you have to take to reach the peak. Then, by chance, you casually ask the descending hikers “how many minutes” to reach the peak. – They reply “5 minutes” casually.
After that “5 minutes”, you finally reach the peak. You don’t even feel tired at all, and you even believe that another long and strenuous hike is not a problem for you.
You are on the verge of fainting because of the non-stop ascending. While you rest for a while to catch your breath, you see a hiker descending and you desperately want to know how long you have to take to reach the peak. So, you ask him. – He replies “5 minutes” casually.
“Ah, finally…… I’m about to get rid of this shit right after 5 minutes” You say to yourself.
The truth is, that is the biggest LIE in the history. Translation: the “5 minutes” means ETERNITY. Meaning you still need to suffer “eternally” until you reach the peak. – You know you get conned!
Well, even if you despise the lie, you enjoy conning people by using the same lie. While you are descending, you also do the same thing. You casually reply the ascending hikers whoever ask you this question, even you know it may take an hour for them to reach the peak. – No offence, but I find the reality is amusing during the hikes. It’s my guilty pleasure, LOL!
And you secretly laugh at them……
14. Peak

When you reach the peak, you couldn’t believe the magnificent scenery of the mountain. The clouds are beneath your feet, and you can see a few mountains next to this, so you wonder whether you could also hike those mountains or not.
While truly amazed by the majestic view, you sit down and observe, and really feel the present moment.
And you realize how tiny we are, compared to the Mother Nature, and we should appreciate those we have from the Mother Nature.
After the “eternal” moment, you finally reach the peak. The reality kicks in when you are already too exhausted and don’t care about the lie getting conned by the hiker during the hikes.
You are too damn hungry and thirsty. All you want to do is just find a place to sit down and have your snacks and water!
Eating and drinking are the best moment at that time! You even forget to notice how beautiful the scenery of the mountain. After eating, you wish to have a nap as well.
15. Take photos
Standing at the peak of the mountain, you want to take fabulous photos with all kinds of postures. You approach the cliff of the mountain, sit down and have the best posture so that your hiking buddies can capture the best angle of you for the photos.
After that, you can’t wait to post and share you photos in the social media, putting and hashtag those YOLO / “be positive” quotes. Within a fraction, you get tonnes of “likes”……
Meanwhile, you observe the scene on the mountain, thinking that is the best moment in life.
Your heart pounds and your body trembles when you approach the cliff. Although you wish to take stunning photos like those posted in the social media, you dismiss this immediately because you don’t want to risk your life by taking the stupid photos.
You rather take the “normal” ones: no stunt, no stripping, just the normal posture and a smile. But, you learn that you really cannot trust your hiking buddies because they are really talented in capturing the worst angle of you.
Double chin, dark eye circle, wrinkles, messy hair…… You really wanna scream but instead, you simply smile and say “thank you” to them, out of courtesy.
Then, you delete the photos without their notice and retake the photos on your own. Alright, no “likes”, but whatever…… who cares?
16. Descending

Descending makes you feel like having superpower. With the assistance of gravity, you just hop without any discomfort.
But, you feel like you can be faster. So, you trail run to the trailhead.
You even secretly compete with those descending hikers hoping that you are able to outpace them. You want to be the first descending hiker who reaches the trailhead.
You think your torment is over. But it is NOT! In fact, you realize descending is equally torturing. Why?
It is because your knees are uncomfortable or even painful while descending. Instead of hopping while descending, you slow down your pace by placing EACH step carefully so that you could ease the discomfort on your knee.
But, sometimes you still lose your balance and slip and hurt your butt or legs. Although your hiking buddies are there to help you, you still think that is the worst moment in your life, thinking that they might mock at you inside their head!
And guess what? You regret not using the trekking poles because you don’t bring trekking poles to the hike! You only think that trekking poles are meant for old people.
Ironically, even if you learn the lesson, you are still reluctant to bring trekking poles for the next hike. – Let’s face it. This is the reality even you have countless hikes.
17. Complete the hike
You take 4 hours to complete the hike, which are also exactly the expected hours that you plan for this hike.
After the hike, you immediately go for lunch or shopping with your friend or family, and you manage to meet them on time, too.
Then, you are impressed by your own time management which allows you to fully utilize your time!
You actual hike is wayyyyyyy too off your plan. Instead of 4 hours, you take 6 hours to complete.
You understand the reason to take additional 2 hours to complete. Talk about the late meeting up, group pace factor, your own stamina, etc……
Now, you can’t go for the next event. So, you apologize to your friend or family by calling them, saying that you are unable to meet them.
Then, you realize that you need to spare additional time when it comes to planning for a hike, because you can’t always make it on time.
18. After hiking

You don’t know where you get the energy. You just feel like you have unlimited energy after every hike.
So, you are even dissatisfied with single hike. You even want mountain hopping by hiking several mountains in a day!
Other people may think this is crazy, but you think this is freaking exciting and you totally can manage it!
You are both physically and mentally prepared for the mountain hopping.
The moment when you reach the trailhead, you are about to cry because the torment is finally over!
Despite the fulfillment, you are damn tired as well. You can’t even walk properly because of your jelly legs. When your hiking buddies suggest for the next hike, you immediately waive your hands, telling them you need to consider for the next hike.
All you want to do is to go back home ASAP, so that you can have a warm bath or shower, and then head to your bed and SLEEP!
19. Hiking clothing
When you get back home, you notice your clothing and your hiking shoes are still clean even after the hike.
So, you save your effort and time to clean them. After taking off your hiking shoes, you head to your bathroom and take a warm bath, and reminiscence the great hiking moment.
While enjoying your bath, you start to plan for the next hike, a much tougher and challenging hike……
Finally, you get back home. All you want to do is go to the bathroom and take a warm bath.
But, you can’t take a bath, yet! You look like a mess even you have changed your clothing and the shoes after the hike. So, once you get home, you need to clean the disaster.
Your hiking clothing, shoes, and backpack / daypack are all filled with mud and sand. You can’t laundry them yet unless you clean the mud and sand first.
It takes quite some time for you to do the cleaning. You are already exhausted like hell, and you still need to clean the mess……
“Why do I need to suffer like this?”, “I don’t want to hike anymore……” Well, these thoughts cross your mind while you’re cleaning.
20. “Easy hike”

Someday, your hiking buddy is planning and forming a group for an easy hike. As you are asked as well, you instantly accept his offer.
Since you aren’t the planner, you don’t ask about the details from your hiking buddy. You only get to know the time and location so you can be there on that day.
It takes around 5 hours to complete the hike. After the hike, you aren’t excited about the “easy hike” because you prefer tougher hike if you were the planner. – Nevertheless, you still enjoy it……
Someday, your hiking buddy is planning and forming a group for an “easy hike”. As you are asked as well, you instantly accept his offer. – It’s just an easy hike, why not?
You don’t do any research because the planning is not done by you. You only get to know the time and location so you can be there on that day.
Well, you are totally “deceived”. A hike with several rounds, which literally hike 6 to 7 hills in a row, spanning over 15 to 18 km, and you guys have to complete it within 9 or 10 hours, plus hiking and also trail running.
Essentially, this is a mountain hopping + trail running hike. – So, this is an “easy hike”. Lesson learnt from reality, never assume “easy hikes” are easy. Period!
You already forget that your hiking buddy is an experienced trail runner. Since you already get conned (again), you don’t bother but try to complete it.
You guys finally finish it within 10 hours. You don’t really have any energy left because you have pushed yourself to the limit to complete the trail run and hike.
Tired AF. But you really want to thank your hiking buddy because you truly enjoy it. You can’t believe you actually can do this!
Final thought: reality of those hikes
When you have no experience in hiking at all, you’ll fantasize about hiking and have all the PERFECT scenarios in your mind.
However, once you have more hikes, you realize the reality differs further and further from the expectation.
Although sometimes we are frustrated and demotivated, these emotions are just temporarily inside our head. – Because we are overwhelmed by the negative thoughts when hiking.
But, once you are recovered and rested, your negative thoughts vanish and you’ll realize you are motivated to hike more.
For the hikers out there, do the above sound familiar to you? Or, do you have expectation vs reality version of your own hikes?
Feel free to comment and share your thought.