What would you like to do during the weekends?
You’ll probably think of reading books, hanging out with friends, movies, shopping, gyms, swimming, hiking, etc……
But, has “kayaking” come to your mind? Most probably Not. – In fact, this rarely comes to my mind, too.
I am guilty about this. But then, I am wondering why.
Perhaps, it could be the limitation of place to provide kayak facilities.
Unlike other types of activities, kayaking is not as convenient as them. We may need to drive long distance to reach a resort which provides kayak facilities. – Unless you stay very near to those places.
Nevertheless, kayaking, as an outdoor recreational activity, is worth to be mentioned and considered as part of your choice on how you spend your time on weekends.

What is Kayaking?
Kayaking is a type of activity that uses a double-bladed paddle to move through water, such as lakes, rivers or ocean, in a vessel called kayak.
Kayaking can be recreational or competitive.
Similar to other outdoor recreational activities, kayaking can improve health condition. Other than health benefit, I would like to share some kayaking reasons that you should try kayaking.
1. It’s Fun and Exciting
Do you still remember your first lesson when you had your driving license? How did you feel when you were first sitting on the driver seat? Like how to start the engine; how to steer; then, how to change the gear and control the pedals? – Ok, take your time to reminisce.
Most importantly, how did you feel BEFORE and AFTER your first driving lesson? – I couldn’t forget that I felt so excited because I finally learnt how to drive!
Same goes to kayaking! – This is the most important kayaking reason which you shouldn’t miss!
Although it is not as “complicated” as driving, kayaking is essentially “driving” on the water. We use the paddle to control direction and speed.
The exciting part is every stroke of paddling, you can feel how the kayak “responds” to your stroke and how it moves through the water. – It is a new experience and you will be motivated and you will learn “bit by bit” by paddling.
Once you are able to control your kayak and sort of able to move forward in a straight line, you could try to speed up your paddling. – It is fun because you could feel how the kayak “glides” through the water.
I remember I was so clueless when I first tried kayaking. However, after some paddling, I was sort of able to control the kayak and increase my speed. – This was a 1-hour session and it was totally not enough for me.
Or, maybe you avoid kayaking because you don’t know how to swim.
If so, you don’t have to worry about it. Kayaking is safe for all people, including those who can’t swim. Just make sure you put on the personal floatation device (“PFD”, aka life jacket) before you kayak.
Then, there you go and enjoy!
2. Learn to be Observant
We are so used to stimulation to make us excited – swiping phones to surf social media, watching movies or Netflix, went out for shopping, hanging with friends.
Are we too obsessed with our digital and social life?
But, do you want to let go of the stimulation and just want to be YOU for a while? – Try kayaking.
Ok, you are not going to compete with other paddlers. You are just going to paddle on your own pace.

When you are tired from paddling, stop paddling for a while. Then observe how the kayak slows down and how it affects water waves.
Look around the lake and observe what people are doing – Maybe picnic, cycling, jogging, playing with each other, etc.
Observe the birds flying close to the water and touching the water. See how the touch creates water waves.
Observe and without judgment.
If you do this, then you are meditating. In fact, this is informal meditation. – Yes, you don’t have to sit with a lotus posture to meditate.
3. Dating
Perhaps you feel uninterested on the routine dating with your partner – movie, dining, shopping, and what else?
Want to have a different kind of date with your partner? – Let’s treasure this kayaking reason and bring your partner to go kayaking with you!
To paddle a tandem kayak, 2-person kayak for instance, paddling needs to be SYNCHRONIZED. – This is technically more demanding than single kayaking.
It is COMMON to see couples couldn’t navigate the kayaks very well, either not moving in a straight line, or not synchronized. If you could imagine, this could look like a mess to both of you.
But, that’s OK! Nobody gives a damn!
In fact, it is the fun part of it. Either one of you may look silly and have quarrel, but you guys can laugh on each other but to work on together at the same time! – Have fun and learn together!
4. Family Bonding
You see your children constantly swiping their smartphones or watching Netflix / YouTube. You try to talk to them but they don’t bother to respond.
But yet, you also discover that YOU are doing the same damn things!
You may suddenly realize that you need to improve your relationships with your children.
Indeed. Family bonding is another kayaking reason which the family members can communicate with each other, listen and work together and to create a healthy family relationship.
You may be surprised that kayaking is a PERFECT activity for family bonding.

Sitting on a 2-person tandem kayak, the child, being the front paddler, tries to listen to the parent and learn to paddle; the parent, being the back paddler, teaches and observes how the child paddles and tries to sync the paddling with the child.
You could have imagined how excited both the child and parent are when the kayak moves in a straight line. – Or do you still remember when was the last time that your children and you achieved something together?
5. Team Building
Tired of and demotivated by the boring team building activities, like group exercise, presentation and brainwashing seminar, during your company’s trip?
You realize that the above team building activities lack of action but are more on talking. Plus, I really dislike the group exercise because this just wastes papers and we present to the audience to “show” how good we are. Blah blah blah……………. – Boring. I am even yawninggggg when I am thinking about this.
Well, do you dread joining this kind of company’s trip? – I do certainly.
Team building should be exciting and challenging! – Yes, kayaking for team building!
Try multiple-person (eg, 3 or 4) tandem kayak. See how difficult to navigate and synchronize the kayak is.
Plus, you would notice the difficulty on how to cooperate with each other when each paddler has their own personality and approach to solving problem.
See the problem and challenge? – This is exactly what a team building should be.
Or, to spice it up, try having a race once they know how to paddle.
As a leader, you definitely need to appreciate this kayaking reason to find out the potential of your staff.
6. Upper Body Exercise
Guys, do you long to have strong and thick arms and shoulders, and six-pack?
Let’s check out Marcus Cooper Walz, the 2016 Rio Olympic gold medalist in the men’s canoe sprint K-1 1000 metres (kayak single).

Yes, kayaking involves upper body exercise which works extensively on the paddlers’ shoulders, arms and core.
That is very true. Even just recreational kayaking, I felt like I was having vigorous shoulder-and-arm work out and tired on the 1-hour kayaking session. Guess what? The next day, my arms and shoulders are sore.
Well, not much on my core. I think my technique is not quite appropriate though.
Guys, start kayaking! Your six-pack is awaiting you! Also, you don’t want your arms to look “uneven” anymore, right? – You know you shouldn’t omit this kayaking reason to look attractive!
Ladies, kayaking also makes you toned and athletic. – And, athletic lady is hot as hell!
You Should Try Kayaking

You don’t need to appreciate all the reasons above, but you just need to treasure at least one kayaking reason above to start kayaking!
Whether you want to do something by yourself, with your partners or with your family, kayaking is multi-dimensional which it fits the above purposes. You may be surprised that you develop your passion when your try kayaking for the first time and may want to be a professional kayaker in the future!
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